Millifoam® range of high coalescence foaming agents are formulated anionic surfactants that are used in the production of lightweight gypsum plasterboard.

PB 710
Millifoam® PB 710 is a formulated anionic surfactant.Foaming agent for use in the production of lightweight gypsum plasterboard to achieve low density boards.In liquid form with activity % of 40.
PB 715
Millifoam® PB 715 is a formulated anionic surfactant.Foaming agent for use in the production of lightweight gypsum plasterboard to achieve low density boards and improve fluidity of gypsum slurry.In liquid form with activity % of 40.
PB 758
Millifoam® PB 758 is a formulated anionic surfactantFoaming agent for use in the production of lightweight gypsum plasterboard to achieve low density boards.In liquid form with activity % of 40.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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