Vestenenamer® is a polyoctenamer and crumb rubber additive that is blended with ground tyre rubber (GTR) and added to bitumen and asphalts to be used in pavement.

Vestenenamer®, a polyoctenamer, is blended with ground tyre rubber (GTR) from recycled tyres and adding this mixture to the bitumen and asphalts to be used in pavement.The Vestenamer® process utilises a novel polymeric additive which not only aids processing but imparts enhanced physical properties to asphalt mixes and chip seal. Lowers the processing temperature and reduces stickiness. Mitigates odour issues associated with crumb rubber processing. Produces longer lasting and more rut-resistant roads than SBS modified bitumen. Conserves natural resources by replacing some of the bitumen with VESTENAMER® rubber powder when modifying asphalt. Recycling asphalt modified with Vestenamer® and crumb tyre rubber poses no technical nor ecological concerns.Dosage is 4.5% addition rate, calculated on the rubber weight.


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