AWC helped a municipal RO plant reduce cleaning frequency and lower operating costs by implementing AWC A-102 Ultra antiscalant and specialised cleaners. By cutting antiscalant dosage by 50% and extending cleaning intervals from 2-4 months to 6 months, the plant saw significant performance improvements and reduced labor demands.
A municipal reverse osmosis (RO) plant, with a capacity of 2 million gallons per day (MGD), faced frequent system cleanings, every 2-4 months, due to rising feed pressure. The plant, which sources water from brackish wells and uses Toray TMG-20D-400 membranes in a (16×7) -> (8×7) train configuration, was operating at 78% recovery.
Despite using a polyacrylic acid-based antiscalant dosed at 4 ppm, the plant experienced significant scaling issues, forcing time-consuming and costly cleanings. Each RO train required 2 days of downtime for cleaning, putting a heavy strain on labor and resources.
American Water Chemicals (AWC) stepped in to provide a more effective solution. After performing a detailed water analysis and running projections using Proton® Software, AWC determined that scaling could be controlled using AWC A-102 Ultra, dosed at only 2 ppm—half the previous dosage. This change alone promised significant cost savings, but the results extended far beyond that.
To combat the persistent scaling and fouling, AWC also recommended their AWC C-227 LF (low-foaming) high pH cleaner and AWC C-205 low pH cleaner. These products, helped plant operators clean the membranes effectively, removing organics, biofilm, and carbonate scales.
After implementing AWC’s recommendations, the plant saw immediate improvements. Cleaning resulted in a 35 psi reduction in feed pressure for RO Train #1 and a 28 psi reduction for RO Train #2. Following this, the plant was able to operate for 6 months before needing another cleaning—a dramatic improvement from the previous 2-4 month cleaning cycle.
Over the course of a year, the plant continued using AWC A-102 Ultra antiscalant, reducing the dosage by 50% compared to the previous product used. This, coupled with the less frequent cleaning schedule, significantly lowered operating costs and reduced the burden on plant personnel.
Thanks to AWC’s advanced water treatment solutions, the municipal RO plant has drastically reduced its cleaning frequency and overall operating expenses.
The antiscalant dosage is now half of what was previously required, and the system now runs for 6 months before any cleanings are necessary. This partnership with AWC has not only enhanced the plant’s performance but also provided sustainable cost savings.
Contact us for more information and how we can help you with your Water Treatment needs.
AWC provides water treatment solutions with a wide range of membrane chemicals, including antiscalants and cleaners for RO, NF, UF, and MF systems. They offer analytical services like membrane testing, cleaning studies, and autopsies, using lab simulations to ensure effective scale inhibition and optimal membrane system performance
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