S Series minimises and protects against corrosion and deposits in the boiler systems whilst maximising energy efficiency and the life span of the boiler

Product Description BenefitsApplications
S-15S-15 minimizes corrosion and deposits in the boiler systems in order to maximize energy efficiency and life span. Total replacement for hydrazine programs in medium to high pressure boilers. Gases typically dissolved in water, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, lead to corrosion. Oxygen causes pitting and rusting while carbon dioxide causes acid corrosion. Effective in controlling corrosion caused by oxygen and carbon dioxide in high and medium pressure boilers and condensate lines.
S-10 SeriesS-10 protects against corrosion in the condensate line of boiler
Proprietary blends of corrosion inhibitors for steam condensate lines. S-10 and S-10 F contain FDA compliant ingredients (see PDS for details). Filming and neutralising versions available.Protection of steam condensate lines.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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