M Series include corrosion inhibitor additives that prevent corrosion due to chlorides and high-temperature corrosion inhibitor for water and glycol-based closed-loop systems.

Product Description BenefitsApplications
M-605 SeriesM-605 Series are corrosion inhibitors additives to prevent corrosion due to chlorides. M-605 is a series of corrosion inhibitor additives to prevent corrosion due to chlorides. M-605 PS contains 96% USDA certified biobased content.Protects carbon steel. Additive to deicing salts or closed loop cooling systems containing brine solutions.
M-640 SeriesM-640 Series are high-temperature corrosion inhibitor for water and glycol-based closed-loop systems.M-640 are excellent replacements for silicates and phosphate/nitrite based/amine compounds. Contains contact and Vapour phase Corrosion Inhibitors. Available in liquid or powder.Protects copper, brass, solder, carbon steel, cast iron, and aluminum. Designed for heat exchange fluids, antifreeze, and coolants. Effective with systems operating up to 302 °F (150 °C).
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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