DMO Series are specialty chemical demulsifier solutions specifically tailored to optimise water in oil emulsions commonly encountered in producing oil wells as well as prevent corrosion.

Product DescriptionBenefitsApplications
DMO-3000 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Series of broad spectrum demulsifer. This series of specialty chemical demulsifier solutions specifically tailored solutions to optimise oil and water separation processes to enhance the dehydration process as well as prevent corrosion.Specifically designed for use in low gravity heavy black oils.
DMO-3004DMO-3004 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Combination demulsifer with wax dispersants, surfactants, and amine salts specifically. While viscosity is a common method for grading emulsions, field testing is also recommended to determine which product is most effective.Designed for medium to high gravity black oils
DMO-3007DMO-3007 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Highly reliable demulsifer. Specifically formulated compounds based on complex resin adducts, sulfonates, esters, ethers, and di-epoxides. These emulsion breakers are designed to coalesce water
droplets allowing the water to settle by gravitational force in oil treating vessels and greatly improves the treating effectiveness of gun barrels, heater treaters, and chemelectric treating vessels.
Specifically designed for use in medium to high gravity black oils.
DMO-3010DMO-3010 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Series of broad spectrum demulsifer. Do not contain any halogen or heavy metalsSpecifically designed for use in low gravity heavy black oils.
DMO-3014DMO-3014 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. This series of specialty chemical demulsifier solutions specifically tailored solutions to optimise oil and water separation processes to enhance the dehydration process as well as prevent corrosion.Specifically designed for use in light to medium gravity black oils.
DMO-3016DMO-3016 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. While viscosity is a common method for grading emulsions, field testing is also recommended to determine which product is most effective.Specifically designed for use in light to medium gravity black oils as well as hot oil treatments.
DMO-3018DMO-3018 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. These emulsion breakers are designed to coalesce water droplets allowing the water to settle by gravitational force in oil treating vessels and greatly improves the treating effectiveness of gun barrels, heater treaters, and chemelectric treating vessels.Specifically designed for use in low to medium gravity black oils.
DMO-3037DMO-3037 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Series of broad spectrum demulsifer. Do not contain any halogen or heavy metalsSpecifically designed for use in low gravity heavy black oils
DMO-3051DMO-3051 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. This series of specialty chemical demulsifier solutions specifically tailored solutions to optimise oil and water separation processes to enhance the dehydration process as well as prevent corrosion.Specifically designed to include an additional wax dispersant agent for use in light to heavy gravity black oils and hot oil treatments.
DMO-3060DMO-3060 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. While viscosity is a common method for grading emulsions, field testing is also recommended to determine which product is most effective.Specifically designed for use in low to medium gravity black oils.
DMO-3090DMO-3090 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. These emulsion breakers are designed to coalesce water droplets allowing the water to settle by gravitational force in oil treating vessels and greatly improves the treating effectiveness of gun barrels, heater treaters, and chemelectric treating vessels.Specifically designed for use in low to medium gravity black oils.
DMO-3100DMO-3100 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. Do not contain any halogen or heavy metals. Specifically designed for use in low to medium gravity black oils.
DMO-3218DMO-3218 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. This series of specialty chemical demulsifier solutions specifically tailored solutions to optimise oil and water separation processes to enhance the dehydration process as well as prevent corrosion.Specifically designed for use in low to medium gravity black oils.
DMO-3425DMO-3425 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. While viscosity is a common method for grading emulsions, field testing is also recommended to determine which product is most effective.Specifically designed for use in low to medium API gravity yellow, green, or black oils.
DMO-3429DMO-3429 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. These emulsion breakers are designed to coalesce water droplets allowing the water to settle by gravitational force in oil treating vessels and greatly improves the treating effectiveness of gun barrels, heater treaters, and chemelectric treating vessels.Specifically designed for use in low to medium API gravity yellow, green, or black oils.
DMO-3491DMO-3491is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. Do not contain any halogen or heavy metals. Specifically designed for use in low to medium API gravity yellow, green, or black oils.
DMO-3500DMO-3500 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. This series of specialty chemical demulsifier solutions specifically tailored solutions to optimise oil and water separation processes to enhance the dehydration process as well as prevent corrosion.Specifically designed for use in tank bottoms and heavy paraffinic pads.
DMO-3540DMO-3540 is an Oil-Soluble Demulsifier.Broad spectrum demulsifer. While viscosity is a common method for grading emulsions, field testing is also recommended to determine which product is most effective.Specifically designed for use in low gravity heavy black oils.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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