Oil & GasMidstreamPipeline Cleaners

Pipeline Cleaners

A S Harrison & Co offers a wide-spectrum of pipeline cleaners for use in both batch and continuous applications to optimise pipeline operations.

Product DescriptionBenefitsApplications
Pig Sweep™Pig Sweep™ is a pipeline cleaner.Uses a nanoparticle solution as a mechanical solution versus a chemical reaction. The particles are held in a liquid solution composed of several drying agents and corrosion inhibitors. It leaves the chemistry of the pipe unchanged and in fact, dries up the pipe improving dew point and leaving odorant unchanged. Used in flowlines, gathering and transmission pipelines, deposits such as iron sulfide, iron oxide and organic solids can build up and lead to operational problems that result in a decline in oil and gas flow.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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