Frac-Attack® is a diatomaceous earth blend specifically designed to provide a complete seal to improve formation integrity.

Product Description BenefitsApplications
Frack-Attack®Frack-Attack® is a High fluid-loss squeeze pill.Compatible with all mud systems. No pre-spots or spacers required. No activators, retarders, or accelerators required. Enhances formation integrity in casing shoe. Successfully used in on or offshore applications. Successfully pumped through all MWD, LWD, RWD motors and small bits. Fast acting, single sack lost circulation solution proven effective in all types of situations. Applied usually in one application, Frac-Attack® is proven effective in controlling underground cross flows and blowouts.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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