DFO Series of Silicone-based Oil Soluble defoamer/antifoam that provides exceptional foam control and long lasting antifoam effects across a variety of oil and gas application

Product DescriptionBenefitsApplications
DFO-6000Oil-Soluble SiliconeOil-soluble defoamer and antifoam. Designed for applications in fluid systems where foam prevention of dissipation is needed.
DFO-6015Non-silicone DefoamerWater immiscible defoamer. Effectively allows thee entrained gas to be released from the treating system.Designed to break the bubble structure of both polyhedron and sphere foams in fluid systems such as acidizing, stimulation, chemical cleaning and cementing operations, where foam prevention or dissipation is needed.
DFO-6104Alcohol Based DefoamerOil soluble defoamer. For the control of foam in water-based systems, such as foam drilling, gas well dewatering and industrial cleaning operations.
DFO-6110Oil Soluble SiliconeConcentrated oil soluble defoamer and anti-foam solution. Effective where foam prevention or dissipation is needed.Designed to control foam in gas cut hydrocarbons, such as those encountered in high velocity flowing oil wells or pumping units that are gas cutting.
DFO-6590Non-silicone DefoamerNon-silicone defoaming agent that is a blend of alcohols and other proprietary compounds.Designed to control of foam in gas/oil separators, heater treaters, gun barrels and other oilfield equipment.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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