Fuel AdditivesDiesel AdditivesCorrosion Inhibitors

Corrosion Inhibitors

Corrosion Inhibitors added to fuel, mitigates the internal corrosion of fuel storage and distribution systems can cause a variety of problems in both ground and aviation fuel applications.

Product Description BenefitsApplications
DCI-4ADCI-4A is a Jet Fuel & Ground Fuel Additive. DCI-4A has a low effect on MSEP and other water interactions, when compared to competitive corrosion inhibitors. The treat rate range for DCI-4A in ground fuels is typically 6-12mg/l.Has extensive aviation and ground fuel approval. Provides a protective coating to pipelines, tanks and pumps. 
DCI-6ACDCI-6A is a Pipeline & Ground Fuel Corrosion Inhibitor. DCI-6A is a stronger corrosion inhibitor than DCI-4A, DCI-6A has an extensive heritage and remains the preferred choice for use in today’s finished fuel pipelines. The inhibitor is preferred for all ground fuels and for pipeline corrosion protection, due to its low treat rate. DCI-6A is also extensively approved for aviation fuel use.
DCI-11DCI-11 is a Oxygenated Fuel (E10) Corrosion Inhibitor.Formulation developed specifically for use in fuel-grade ethanol. This product was developed to solve unique corrosion problems that emerged after the launch of Gasohol. DCI-11 does not just act as a corrosion inhibitor; it also serves an ethanol stabiliser providing a pHebuffering effect. DCI-11 is designed to treat ethanol, rather than the fuel. When additising ethanol, elevated dosages of DCI-11 are required to provide a treat rate equivalent of 6-12mg/l in finished fuel.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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