Fuel Treatment Additives

These multifunctional gasoline additives help extract maximum benefit from today’s modern fuels and high-tech engines by protecting, improving and maintaining the performance of fuel systems and engines.

Product Description BenefitsApplications
EcoClean®EcoClean® is a multifunctional middle distillate fuel additive.Reduces cost of maintenance and downtime. Cleans and prevents all types of injector deposits formed in high pressure common rail systems. Prevents fuel soot and sludge formation caused by thermal stressing within the engine, thereby extending fuel filter, injector, lube oil, and fuel pump life. Restores lost horsepower and fuel economy. Reduces exhaust emissions and soot generation, thereby reducing DPF manual regenerations. Provides thermal and oxidative stability, lubricity, corrosion protection, and water dispersancy. Recovers lost power, prevents filter plugging, prevents sludging and cleans injectors in newer model-year vehicles operating high pressure fuel injectors. Through extensive OEM engine testing and commercial application in heavyduty diesel engine fleets, including on-road vehicle fleets and heavy-duty mining equipment, ECOCLEAN® has proven effective in all diesel fuels and biodiesel blends.
Dynamico™Dynamico™ prevents the formation depositsPrevents the formation deposits on inlet valves and fuel injectors, and also cleans existing inlet valve and injector deposits. Prevents fuel system fouling. Dramatically reduces particle emissions. Increases fuel efficiency. Preserves engine power. Maintains optimum reliability.Performance for all Gasoline Engines. Dynamico also enhances the efficiency of Port Fuel Injection (PFI) engines, in addition to the newest gasoline engine technology.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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