
ASCC 2018: A S Harrison & Co – Gold Sponsors

We are extremely pleased to announce our Gold Sponsorship of the 50th Australian Society of Cosmetics Chemists (ASCC) Conference in Canberra, 16 – 18th May 2018.

A S Harrison have been the top sponsor at previous ASCC conferences and the 2018 “Golden Touch of Beauty” conference is special as it’s celebrating the 50th anniversary of ASCC, coinciding with A S Harrison & Co’s 95th year celebrations.

“A S Harrison & Co have always been a firm supporter of ASCC. We believe, the stronger an associations body is, the stronger the businesses within that association are. Whether it be having staff members on the local chapter committee or on the organising committee for conferences, A S Harrison & Co have always punched above our weight” said, Tony Bianchini, General Manager, A S Harrison & Co.

“As the major sponsor of the 2018 conference we are looking forward to the continued professionalism this conference will bring to everyone who attends. The delegates will again have a vast array of scientific presentations and some opportunity for “hands-on” experiences as well.”

Like no other year before, 2018 will represent a milestone for A S Harrison & Co (95th year) and the ASCC (50th year). The conference will be the highlight of the year for the ASCC and we invite you to join us to experience the Golden Touch of Beauty.

Don’t forget to save the date in your diary now!


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