Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

Clareville Pty Limited (Harrison) is built on the values of Integrity, Quality, Innovation, Safety and Success. These values underpin all our business relationships and operations and help ground us on our journey as a leading supplier of high value finished products, ingredients, additives, and technical solutions. Moreover, these values ensure that we act ethically and mitigate modern slavery and human trafficking risks in our operations and supply chains.

Harrison acknowledges that modern slavery and human trafficking is a global and complex challenge faced by both governments and businesses. This is our first modern slavery statement under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Modern Slavery Act), however for several years we have been making efforts to raise and address modern slavery risks arising in relation to our operations and business (through modern slavery policies and training).

Harrison strives to ensure that both modern slavery and human trafficking do not occur in our business operations or supply chain.

We acknowledge that entities such as Harrison play a major role in combatting modern slavery in global supply chains. In this modern slavery statement (Statement), we discuss the ongoing efforts to ensure compliance with modern slavery regulations. However, as this is Harrison’s first reporting period we note that we are at the beginning of our modern slavery compliance journey, and we are working towards addressing and mitigating our modern slavery risks.

This Statement outlines our future plans to continue to work towards combatting modern slavery risks, and Harrison is committed to developing our approach to combat this complex and very important issue over the coming years.

This is under review and has not been officially published on the Register.

Read our full Statement.


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