

Experts in delivering all over Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia

At A S Harrison & Co we recognise the importance of operational efficiency. This means it is important to deliver our products in pack sizes that align with your specific process requires to ensure that you can use our products effectively and efficiently.

A S Harrison & Co has a sophisticated logistics network spanning Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and South-East Asia. Whether it be decanting, dangerous goods or refrigerated transport, we have systems in place to ensure the efficient delivery of all our customers’ needs, in full and on time.


Our aim is to provide “one-stop-shop”, top of the class delivery service to our customers at a competitive price. Our strong relationships with our warehouse partners ensure both quality standards and performance are optimised.

Locations – Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Western Australia, South Australia and Auckland, New Zealand and Singapore.

  • DIFOT 98% (Delivery in full on time)
  • DIFOTIS 95% (Delivery in full on time and in spec)
  • SIFOTIS 74% (Supplier in full on time in spec)

Warehousing services

  • Storage of palletised products
  • Pick and pack
  • Shrink-wrap facilities
  • FIFO (First in first out)
  • Batch control

Decanting service

We have dedicated decanting and recertification warehouses in Sydney and Melbourne.

  • Decant into drums/pails
  • Decant into IBC’s (Intermediate Bulk Containers)
  • Pump out at customer premises
  • Heating of Isotanks
  • Decant from Isotanks/Flexibag into dedicated customer-specific IBC’s which are reusable and recyclable, which makes it a sound choice from an environmental standpoint


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A S Harrison & Co is committed to providing the highest level of customer service. Please drop us a line and we will get back to you soon.