MCI® used for repair purposes will ensure the longest possible lifespan of concrete restoration projects. Slows the rate of corrosion and protects against ring anode/insipient anode effect that often follows concrete repairs.

ProductProduct DescriptionBenefitsApplication
MCI®-2023MCI®-2023 is repair product based on hydraulic binders, complexing and osmotic agents (powder). Water based emulsion of organic polymers (resin).MCI®-2023 is a 2-component system (powder and resin) incorporating MCI® that form cement slurry with good adhesion to substrate, high durability and abrasion resistance. Passivating repair grout mix for protection of reinforcement within concrete and prevents penetration of water and water dissolved salts. Recommended to protect steel reinforcing prior to restoration with MCI® or other repair mortars. Useful in areas with little concrete coverage of the reinforcing steel, which are subject to deicing salts and carbonation attack.
MCI®-2039MCI®-2039 is repair product that is a fibre reinforced mortar containing MCI® Mini Grenades, fibres and polymersSingle-component, fast-setting, high-strengh, cement based repair mortar enhanced with MCI®. High early strength allows for fast repairs and allows activities to be resumed early. Minimises ring-anode/halo effect in surrounding concrete. Provides high level of durabiity, adhesion and resistance to water and carbonation attack hence providing excellent protection against corrosion. Does not contain chlorides, magnesium phosphates or calcium nitrite.Ideal for horizontal concrete repairs of concrete structures.
MCI®-2246MCI®-2246 is a repair product with a combination of Portland cement, microsilica, epoxy and acrylic resin.This 2 – component repair system can be mixed onsite.Useful for bonding new mortar or concrete to old and for protecting reinforcing metal against corrosion.
MCI®-2701MCI®-2701 is a repair product with polymer-modified, cement-based
Single-component trowel grade repair mortar with MCI®2006 NS technology. Creates protective monomolecular layer on reinforcing metals to inhibit further corrosion.Used for structural repair and overlaying of deteriorated concrete. Designed for use on horizontal and vertical surfaces.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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