Epomat® range are carboxyl-functional, solid acrylic resins designed for matting epoxy-based powder coatings and to produce standard and low cure hybrid powder coatings.

Product Description BenefitsApplications
Epomat® G-152Epomat® G-152 is a carboxyl-functional, solid acrylic resin.The formulated coatings demonstrate good smoothness and exceptional mechanical and chemical resistance properties. In contrast to powders made with other gloss modification technologies, those formulated with Epomatt G-152 show little or no gloss deviation when exposed to varying oven or storage temperatures.Epomat® G-152 is designed for matting epoxy-based powder coatings and is best suited to create 60° gloss values <10.
Epomat® G-154Epomat® G-154 is a carboxyl-functional, solid acrylic resin.The formulated coatings demonstrate good smoothness, mechanical and chemical resistance properties. Unlike powders made with traditional gloss modification technologies, those formulated with Epomatt G-154 show less gloss variation under high and low cure conditions or with varying metal substrate thicknesses.Epomat® G-154 is designed to produce standard and low cure hybrid powder coatings with 60° gloss values between 2 and 45.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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