Vanzan® range is Xanthan Gum suitable for coatings applications exceptional thickening, suspending and stabilising properties over a wide pH range.

Product Description BenefitsApplications
Vanzan® Vanzan® is a Xanthan Gum (anionic polysaccharide).General purpose xanthan gum grade suitable for coatings applications. Vanzan® has exceptional thickening, suspending and stabilising properties over a wide pH range.
Vanzan® D Vanzan® D is a Xanthan Gum (anionic polysaccharide).Surface treated xanthan gum grade suitable for coatings applications. Vanzan®D has exceptional thickening, suspending and stabilising properties over a wide pH range. Vanzan®D is formulated to promote ease of dispersion and fast wetting at alkaline pH.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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