BCP® range are lagoon treatment additives and bioconverters for industrial and municipal lagoons that remove impurities in agricultural wastewater treatment.

Product Description BenefitsApplications
BCP12™ is composed of Biological nutrients
and stimulants.
For anaerobic digesters is good during hydrolysis and acidogenesis stages, helping to loosen and liquefy heavy grease deposits. In addition to reducing unpleasant odours, BCP12™ can control grease caps and FOG buildup and can also be used to speed up biogas production from anaerobic digesters.Sludge treatment that prevents the blocking, ponding, and possible collapse of filter bed media; and increase the efficiency of overloaded treatment systems.
BCP60™ is composed of Biological nutrients
and stimulants.
Enhances and accelerates the biological digestion of animal wastes (i.e., manure). It is proven effective in helping to reduce odors and sludge accumulations. Helps ensure rapid biological startup. Reduces costs of manure pit maintenance and drainage. Breaks up solids and decreases organic content. Reduces odors. Increases fertiliser value.Works in aerobic and anaerobic conditions to reduce BOD and sludge and accelerate startup in wastewater lagoons.
BCP56™BCP56™ is composed of Biological nutrients
and stimulants.
Provides greater resistance to the organic inhibitors present in fruit, vegetable, and wine processing. It helps reduce grease buildup, control filaments, improve effluent quality, and decrease odours.Provides greater resistance to the organic inhibitors present in fruit, vegetable, and wine processing. It helps reduce grease buildup, control filaments, improve effluent quality, and decrease odours.
BCP655™BCP655™ is composed of Biological nutrients
and stimulants.
A bioconverter for industrial and municipal lagoons can help reduce ammonia levels and remove organic nitrogen (i.e., amino acids, proteins, purines, pyrimidines, and nucleic acids) from wastewater rather than converting it to another form (such as conversion of ammonia to nitrate or nitrite). BCP655™ helps to eliminate expensive surcharges due to high TKN discharge levels and can be used with A55L™ to in crease overall nitrogen removal.Industrial and municipal lagoons.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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