Rehydragel® range of adsorbent aluminum hydroxide gels have been used for many years as adjuvants in veterinary vaccines.

Product Description BenefitsApplications
Rehydragel® ABRehydragel® AB is an Aluminum Hydroxide. Highly purified aluminum hydroxide gels. Superior aluminum hydroxide for blood plasma separation. Adjuvant in vaccine formulations. Provide maximum protein adsorption when used as matrices or carriers for veterinary antitoxins.
Rehydragel® CGRehydragel® CG is an Aluminum-based vaccine adjuvants.Highly purified aluminum hydroxide gels. Highly gelatinous, nearly translucent, and non-reactive making it effective for topical applications. Often diluted to form suspensions having relatively low oxide concentrations or used in vaccines that need high adjuvant levels.Adjuvant in vaccine formulations. Provide maximum protein adsorption when used as matrices or carriers for veterinary antitoxins.
Rehydragel® HPARehydragel® HPA is an Aluminum-based vaccine adjuvants.Highly purified aluminum hydroxide gels. Low oxide, thixotropic gel containing sub-micron particles that can boost protein adsorption compared to conventional adjuvants; maximum protein binding and point of zero charge at pH 12.Adjuvant in vaccine formulations. Provide maximum protein adsorption when used as matrices or carriers for veterinary antitoxins.
Rehydragel® HSRehydragel® HS is an Aluminum-based vaccine adjuvants.Highly purified aluminum hydroxide gels. Designed specifically for those vaccines where low binding is required.Adjuvant in vaccine formulations. Provide maximum protein adsorption when used as matrices or carriers for veterinary antitoxins.
Rehydragel® LVRehydragel® LV is an Aluminum-based vaccine adjuvants.Highly purified aluminum hydroxide gels. Carefully controlled for aluminum oxide content and protein binding capacity lower viscosity than competing adjuvants, which makes it easier to process and handle.Adjuvant in vaccine formulations. Provide maximum protein adsorption when used as matrices or carriers for veterinary antitoxins.
Rehydragel® PMRehydragel® PM is an Aluminum-based vaccine adjuvants.Highly purified aluminum hydroxide gels. Designed for use in buffer systems that are incompatible with Rehydragel LV.Adjuvant in vaccine formulations. Provide maximum protein adsorption when used as matrices or carriers for veterinary antitoxins.
Rehydragel® SPRehydragel® SP is an Aluminum-based vaccine adjuvants.Designed for use in buffer systems that are incompatible with Rehydragel LV.Adjuvant in vaccine formulations.
This is a snapshot of the products that we have available, please contact your A S Harrison & Co representative for a discussion on the products appropriate for your applications.


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